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Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Society Can Make Me Sad

Song of the day: Mother & Father - Broods

Sitting at Belfast International Airport with a bottle of overly priced water at £2.10. Yes I paid it with no questions asked because I had the loveliest time back home in N.Ireland and I wasn't going to let this damn water ruin it. Plus I was really thirsty and my flight to London is delayed by another forty minutes or so.

I'm slightly embarrassed because I've lost my glasses and I'm forced to squint my eyes, until the words on the tall screen with all the flight details become somewhat legible for my poor short-sighted eyes. Terrible I know, I'll get a new pair soon I swear. Anyway I had the funny idea to use my phone camera to read the screen. I thought that was a brilliant idea! You have to love zoom sometimes, gave myself a pat on the back and everything. However the screen kept changing each time I took the phone out so I missed what it said about my flight. This girl in front of me kept laughing and saw the struggle I was dealing with. I told her I lost my glasses and that I was trying to read the screen. She has kept an eye out for my flight and is keeping me updated as I write this without even being asked. People can be really nice.

This brings me to the nature of humanity as a whole. Why is it so hard for people to do the decent thing? What has this generation lost? No, what has caused our generation to be...well lets face it, pretty fucking selfish?

This reminded me of something that happened at work once. I was flyering one night with my friend for a bar. It was during winter and our shift didn't finish until 11:30pm. We were walking around Covent Garden when a homeless woman was struggling to walk. Dressed in old, shabby but colourful clothes. Rings littered her fingers. She kept fumbling with them as if they were something dear. Covent Garden has a few homeless people roaming around the streets at that time. Anyway, you can tell the woman was on something. Alcohol, drugs, drugs, alcohol I'm not one to judge. She was stumbling. My friend and I were worried so we walked up to her and asked if she was okay. She was incoherent. Words slurred. She walked on ahead and she fell and hit her head hard. My friend who was closest to her when the woman fell tried her best to catch her, or at least break her fall. There was a man who was stood next to his motorbike. He saw the whole thing. The woman was unconscious. It was worrying because she was fucked on whatever it was that she took and she was knocked out. We asked the man if he could help us. You know what he said?

"Just leave her," he said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because she's homeless." he said.
"But that shouldn't matter," I said.
He shrugged and did nothing.

Can you believe it? He told us to just leave her. Why? Because she was homeless. Simple. It doesn't matter who she was or where she came from or how she came to be. She was still a person. A human being who needed help at that moment. I couldn't understand how that man just stood and watched as two girls were holding up this woman. I was worried because she smacked her head pretty damn hard. Yet he did nothing. Bastard. We managed to get her conscious and moved her somewhere for her to sit. We asked her questions to keep her awake. Her name, her age, did she have a phone, did she have someone that we could call for her. We asked what was it that she took. She took out little white pills from her pocket. The woman was insistent that we don't call emergency services. I ran to go get her water and a ham sandwich from a nearby Tescos.

At least thirty people walked by. Thirty. Did they look? Yes they glanced. They looked away. Pointed their noses in the air and continued walking. Pretended to not noticed. Ignored. Two people stopped. Two guys in their twenties asked if we needed help. They called emergency services. They stayed with us. When reality hit the woman she got up and walked away. She didn't want an ambulance or help. When someone showed up, a woman on a bicycle, dressed in bright neon yellow. She was from emergency services. It's what they send before an ambulance in Covent Garden. We pointed her in the direction the other woman went.

I haven't seen her since and I honestly hope she's okay. But I couldn't fully understand how that man said, "Just leave her". When I think back on it even now, it just shows how cruel society can really be.  It really doesn't take much to be a decent human being. People should treat each other how they want to be treated. End of.

Peace Out,


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